
by | 2023年3月17日

Do you see an issue or need in your community that is greater than what your organization can address? 你正在努力加强你的人才储备吗, 增加人口, 提高员工技能, 添加照顾孩子, 解决食物沙漠问题, 减少无家可归, 或者解决其他社会问题?
在过去几年里, 我们看到了非营利组织, 捐助者, 资助者, and community leaders coming together in new and innovative ways to address these challenges in their communities. 他们希望使用“集体影响”框架来解决重大问题.

集体影响汇集了不同的合作伙伴-业务, pg真人, 慈善事业, and nonprofits – to work toward a common agenda for solving a specific social problem. 协作和伙伴关系的概念在社会部门很熟悉. Collective impact is more rigorous and thorough than collaboration among organizations.

There are five conditions that, together, lead to meaningful results from 集体的影响. 几年前,我们首次引入了这个框架 这个博客我们用它来支持联盟的发展.


  1. 共同议程: All participants have a shared vision for change including a common understanding of the problem. The participants have developed a joint approach to solving it through agreed-upon actions.
  2. 共享测量: Create a “baseline understanding” of where you are today in regard to the issue and reach an agreement on key indicators. Collect data and measure results consistently across all participants ensuring efforts remain aligned and participants hold each other accountable.
  3. 相辅相成的活动:制定共同议程时, participants will take the lead on different activities – work they are most likely already doing – while still being coordinated through a mutually reinforcing plan of action with all participants. 目标是一致和内聚,而不是孤立.
  4. 持续的沟通: Consistent and open communication is needed across the many players to build trust, 确保共同目标, 保持最新的进展. 这使联盟保持联系、有动力,并走上取得进展的轨道. 
  5. 骨干组织: Creating and managing 集体的影响 requires a dedicated resource with staff and a specific set of skills to serve as the backbone for the entire initiative and coordinate participating organizations and agencies. 需要有人负责推动工作向前发展, 把大家聚集在一起, 收集资源, 等.

让我分享一个集体影响如何发挥作用的例子. Take, for instance, the compelling challenge of a lack of high-quality child care in a community. 这是我们在几个社区中支持的一个问题. (在这里了解联盟建设)

An individual early care and 教育 program or school could decide to expand a preschool classroom to increase the supply of child care in their community. 这是个别组织孤立干预的一个例子. This response might help a few families in the community but may not address the underpinnings of the lack of child care, which could be accessed (the time and location of the child care spots) and/or affordability (the cost of child care) as well as many other issues.

A 集体的影响 approach to addressing a lack of child care would bring together multiple partners who are directly and indirectly affected by the issue:

  • 儿童保育会影响公司招聘和留住员工的能力.
  •  pg真人-child care affects their ability to recruit companies into the community, 通过工资增加税收,帮助培养有生产力的公民
  •  K-12 教育 – child care affects students’ ability to be ready for kindergarten and beyond
  •  Health – child care impacts children’s development and reaching critical healthy milestones
  •  Child Care Providers – impacts their ability to have a thriving business and stay open.
  •  Higher 教育 – child care needs a high-quality workforce to staff their classrooms.


在你找到合伙人之后, then you begin to dig into really understanding the issue and implications in the community. This will then help inform the development of a common agenda that all partners agree to support. The outcome of this work means that not only will there be more high-quality child care available in the community, 但工作时间将延长,以满足当地雇主的需求, 将提供奖学金,以帮助家庭负担费用, wraparound supports will be facilitated to connect families and providers with critical resources, 等等......。. The community coalition has identified agreed-upon measures that they are tracking – number of spots by age group, 持证教师人数, 护理费用, uptake rate – and have a communication plan to share information internally with the coalition and externally with the public and other stakeholders. This community is well on its way to seeing tremendous progress in addressing the lack of childcare.


  1. 把合伙人叫到房间里来 -一旦确定了一个关键的社区问题, we first focus on the system and identify the right partners who want to address the issue.
  2. 帮助人们了解风景 – After the key stakeholders are at the table, begin building trusting relationships. 下一个, 我们收集和研究关键社区问题的相关数据, 包括目前正在进行的改善这种情况的工作.
  3. 共同创造的PG真人游戏 -确定哪些工作已经很好,可以扩大规模. Identify and prioritize catalytic projects that accomplish outcomes that no single organization could alone.
  4. 重新设计系统 – The cross-sector partners then conduct one or multiple projects with clear deliverables and metrics. Establish a shared method of measuring progress and adjusting strategies based on the outcome data.

The 集体的影响 框架 provides a 路线图 for communities to strategically address significant issues. 我们的社区正面临巨大的挑战. 我们看到了与我们的客户一起发挥集体影响的价值 想和你谈谈吗 如果你想开始!















你的项目效果如何? 它是否按预期工作?






你的问题是否超出了一个组织所能处理的范围? 联合pg真人可能是答案!